Solo, February 3, 2025 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Semarang State University (UNNES) held its 2025 Work Meeting at The Hotel Sunan Solo. The event, which took place over three days from February 3 to 5, 2025, was attended by the entire faculty leadership, lecturers, and administrative staff of FMIPA UNNES. The meeting was officially opened by the Rector of UNNES, Prof. Dr. S. Martono, M.Si., who appreciated FMIPA’s achievements in 2024 and provided strategic directions for 2025.
In his speech, the Rector of UNNES expressed high appreciation for FMIPA’s performance throughout 2024. “FMIPA has made significant contributions to the development of science and technology, as well as in supporting UNNES’s vision as a conservation-minded and internationally reputable university,” said Prof. Martono. He also emphasized the importance of inter-institutional collaboration and increased innovation to achieve higher targets in 2025.
The Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M.Si., in his presentation, stressed the need for synergy and cooperation among all FMIPA academic community members. “Collaboration is the key to achieving our goals. Without solid teamwork, it is impossible to reach the targets we have set,” asserted Prof. Edy. He also outlined FMIPA’s vision and mission for 2025, focusing on improving the quality of research, community service, and international publications.
The Vice Dean of FMIPA presented the 2025 achievement strategy, which includes enhancing the quality of education, strengthening collaborative research, and developing partnerships with various stakeholders, both domestically and internationally. Additionally, the FMIPA task force teams presented their work plans and priority programs to be implemented throughout 2025.
The second day of the meeting featured an outdoor team-building activity at Lawu Park, aimed at strengthening relationships and fostering teamwork among participants. This activity was expected to enhance the spirit of collaboration and camaraderie among all FMIPA members.
On the third day, a joint evaluation of the entire Work Meeting series was conducted. The event concluded with the presentation of conclusions and recommendations for the implementation of FMIPA’s work programs in 2025. The Dean of FMIPA closed the event by thanking all participants and expressing hope that the collaborative spirit built during the meeting would continue to be maintained.
The 2025 FMIPA UNNES Work Meeting is expected to be a momentum for strengthening synergy and formulating strategic steps to achieve the set targets, ensuring that FMIPA UNNES remains one of the leading faculties in the development of science and technology in Indonesia.