The visit was held on Monday, December 9, 2024 at PPSD BMKG which is located in Teluk Betung Tangerang Jakarta. The visit was received by PPSDM staff consisting of Dr. Widada and Dr. Kadnan. The group from UNNES consisted of Prof. Dr. Supriyadi, Prof. Dr. Masturi, and Mr. Aris (Finance Statistics) FMIPA. On this occasion, several BMKG Rombel students who were representatives of active students were also present.
The first speech was from Prof. Supriyadi who explained the existence of the Physics Masters study program which is a new program, and has started accepting new students for the 2023/2024 academic year with accreditation meeting the minimum requirements (C). During its journey, the Masters study program succeeded in compiling accreditation documents and submitting them on August 18, 2024. The accreditation results were submitted to the LAMSAMA Accreditation Institution in the second week of November 2024.
The speech from PPSDM was delivered by Dr. Widada. The speech contained information about the existence of PPSDM BMKG Jakarta and the flagship program, namely 500 masters and doctorates for BMKG staff, which has currently only reached 253 consisting of masters and doctoral graduates. It takes a university that will help to achieve this goal. There are 7 domestic universities that have been designated for this purpose. The obstacles experienced by students in completing their studies were also conveyed. The discussions that emerged included: (1) Something new offered by the Physics Masters Study Program which aims to accelerate the study period while maintaining quality, (2) Opportunities for the involvement of external supervisors (from BMKG) to be involved in supervising BMKG Jakarta class students, (3) Submission of Cluster Research Topics along with their PICs, and (4) Initiation of Cooperation between the Physics Masters Study Program and PPSDM BMKG, and (4) Draft of Cooperation documents to be prepared immediately. For the University level with BMKG Jakarta, the documents already exist.