Semarang, August 31, 2024 – The Informatics Study Program Lecturer Team of Semarang State University (UNNES) introduced a computer-based exam platform,, to teachers and students at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Baitussalaam Semarang. This activity is part of a community service program that aims to improve the efficiency of exam implementation at the Islamic-based school.
The training activity was held on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at the MA Baitussalaam Semarang Computer Lab. The service team led by Anggyi Trisnawan Putra, and supported by Florentina Yuni Arini, Jumanto, Kholiq Budiman, and Aditya, UNNES Informatics students, provided training on the use of the platform in the context of computer-based assessments.

The event began with remarks from the Principal of MA Baitussalaam, Mr. Muhammad Khanif AA, who expressed his appreciation for the collaboration with the team from the UNNES Informatics Study Program. “I hope this collaboration can continue to support the development of teaching and learning activities in our school. Islamic schools must also be literate in information technology so as not to be left behind in the current digital era,” said Mr. Muhammad Khanif AA in his remarks.
After the remarks by the Principal, representatives from the UNNES Informatics service team also gave introductory remarks regarding the importance of utilizing technology in the world of education, especially in terms of exams and assessments. The training then continued with a practical session, where participants were introduced to the features of and how to use them in computer-based exam simulations.

It is hoped that with the implementation of at MA Baitussalaam, the exam process can be carried out more efficiently and accurately, helping schools reduce administrative burdens while improving the quality of students’ academic assessments. The service team also hopes that this technology can be adopted more widely in other educational institutions in the future.