Entrepreneurial Attitude is the foundation of entrepreneurship. It involves the attitudes, skills, and traits that enable a person to overcome challenges and seize opportunities with confidence. Entrepreneurial Attitude must be instilled in entrepreneurs, including the entrepreneurial team of Semarang State University students.
The importance of strengthening Entrepreneurial Attitude makes the Semarang State University service team, namely Adi Satrio Ardiansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Devi Ajeng Efrilianda, S.Kom., M.Kom., Endah Widhihastuti S.Farm., M.Sc. , and Ratna Nur Mustika Sanusi S.Mat., M.Si. assisted by Semarang State University students, namely Saravina Putri Ramadhani, Putri Erika Febrianti, and Mustika Nur Hasanah, intensively provided assistance to the student entrepreneurship team regarding strengthening Entrepreneurial Attitude. One of the mentoring activities took place offline on Wednesday, 17 April 24 in Seminar Room 289, Building D10, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Semarang State University with Ratna Nur Mustika Sanusi S.Mat., M.Si. as a speaker.
In his speech, Adi Satrio Ardiansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a representative of the service team said that every entrepreneur must have an entrepreneurial attitude. “Entrepreneurial Attitude is the basic attitude in every action that will be taken in entrepreneurship,” said Adi Satrio Ardiansyah. Bu Tika (Ratna Nur Mustika Sanusi) revealed that the attitude that an entrepreneur must have is divided into seven types according to the anatomy of an entrepreneur, namely brain (a pool of ideas), eyes (looking for opportunities), mouth (communication), hand (making connections), ears (listening to customers feedback), heart (full of passion), and feet (dream high but stick to the ground). “Attitude in entrepreneurship is very important because it is used to maintain business stability and to guard against failure in the future,” said Mrs. Tika.
The large number of students who attended and participated in discussions with the presenters showed enthusiasm for the presentation of the material during the activity. One of the students from the Applied Statistics and Computing Study Program revealed that cultivating Entrepreneurial Attitude is very important because it can become the basis for someone to achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and be able to take the initiative in developing innovation in the form of new ideas. “By attending this entrepreneurship seminar, I have increased my understanding of how to have a good mindset and attitude as an entrepreneur.” Regita Aftina said. The Service Team hopes that the Semarang State University Student Business Tenants can produce changes that have a positive impact on society and the environment in accordance with the vision of Semarang State University to become a world-renowned university, a pioneer of educational excellence with a conservation perspective to build quality education in Indonesia.