FMIPA UNNES hosted a visit by Prof. Dr. Shakir Ali from Aligarh Muslim University, India on Friday, August 4, 2023. Currently, Aligarh Muslim University is one of the top 3 universities in India. During his visit, Prof. Shakir Ali delivered a lecture on the 4 key elements of the wonders of Algebra, followed by material related to Derivations and Invariance Property.
This Lecture Series event took place at the Mathematics Laboratory in Building D10, Seminar Room of FMIPA UNNES. The event was also attended by the Head of KPA Central Region, Dr. Nikken Prima Puspita, M.Sc. The purpose of this activity was to deepen the understanding of algebra, promote interest in mathematics, and build an international learning community.
The event began with a group singing of Indonesia Raya, the National Anthem. It was then officially opened by the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, Zaenal Abidin, S.Si., M.Cs., Ph.D. In his speech, Mr. Zaenal explained the connection of algebra with other fields such as computer science and coding theory.
The event was also attended by the coordinators of 5 study programs, including S1 Mathematics Dr. Tri Sri Noor Asih, M.Si., S1 Mathematics Education Dr. Mulyono, M.Si., D3 Applied Statistics and Computation Dr. Putriaji Hendikawati, S.Si., M.Pd., M.Sc., S2 Mathematics Education Dr. Masrukan, M.Si., and S3 Mathematics Education Dr. Wardono, M.Si.
Participants in this activity included professors and students from the five programs, as well as students from UNDIP, UIN Walisongo, and UPGRIS. The event was conducted in a hybrid format, with online participants from several countries including Slovenia and India. Participants actively engaged in discussions during lectures and Q&A sessions.
During this event, an academic collaboration was established between the 5 programs and Aligarh Muslim University. In addition to teaching at UNNES, Prof. Shakir Ali also conducted lectures at UI, ITB, UGM, UNDIP, and UIN Walisongo.