Dr. Parmin, M.Pd. is the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UNNES. In 2022, the Student Affairs Department is responsible for coordinating the public relations management of FMIPA. Dr. Parmin is a lecturer in the Integrated Science Department, specializing in Science Teaching and Learning Strategies. He has also successfully guided the Journal of Indonesian Science Education to obtain Sinta 1 accreditation and be indexed in Scopus Q2.
Informing various unique selling points is needed not only in the business world but also in the field of education. While in the industry, information is used to promote products and increase their market value, in the field of education, information serves as a promotion of the advantages and strengths of an institution, allowing parents to become familiar with and choose it as a place for their children’s education. Similarly, in higher education, public information dissemination goes beyond relying solely on the Public Relations (PR) department. PR manages the flow of information to the public and requires the assistance of all members of the campus community.
When prospective students make decisions about choosing a university, they consider various research findings and factors. Ease of obtaining complete and accurate information about program specifications and graduate employment prospects plays a crucial role. Information about the strengths and job prospects of graduates needs to be presented in an attractive and easily accessible manner through electronic media. Campus members, including faculty, staff, and students, need to play a role in informing the public about the strengths of the academic programs by utilizing their own social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The social media presence of the campus community can help disseminate or share information that has been published by the PR department.
Public relations practices can be expanded through the active involvement of campus members in publishing their research findings, ideas, and information that enhance the reputation of the university. For example, there can be a “Professor’s Space” where each professor can publish their expertise in the form of popular scientific articles that are easily understood by the general public. “Idea Space” can be created to promote writings, especially from young lecturers who have contemporary idealism. Publishing academic knowledge, ideas, achievements, and the reputation of programs, faculties, and universities become a part of good public relations practices in an era of public openness. Short videos have become a popular choice among the younger generation. There are many short video contents that can be produced to showcase the strengths of the university. Interesting information about laboratories, when presented in short videos, will attract young people and serve as effective promotions. Producing short videos is also an engaging way to promote achievements and activities of student organizations, allowing prospective students to see how their interests and talents can be channeled.