Brief Profile
The Non-Formal Education Program is part of the Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences and provides education with the aim of producing graduates who are managers, educators, researchers, and developers in Early Childhood Education and Non-Formal Education, population and family planning educators, social workers, and community empowerment facilitators with excellent, professional, skilled, and environmentally and socio-culturally conscious qualifications.
Accreditation and Certification
921/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IV/2019 (A)
Graduate Degree
Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.)
Career Prospects
- Government
- Directorate General of Early Childhood, DIKDASMEN
- Community Development Program Developer
- Learning Assistance Analyst
- Early Childhood and Non-Formal Education Development Analyst
- Early Childhood and Non-Formal Education Development Program Developer
- Education Quality Analyst
- Community Education Development Program Developer
- Labor Office (DISNAKER)
- BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Board)
- PAUD Board
- City Education Office (DISDIKBUD KOTA)
- Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
- Corruption Eradication Analyst
- Library and Archives Office (DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN)
- Cooperatives and SME Agency (DPKUKM)
- Youth and Sports Office (DISPORA)
- State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
- Village Manager
- Private Sector
- Course and Training Manager
- Job Training Manager
- Community Learning Center Manager (PKBM)
- Homeschooling Manager
- HRD (Human Resources Development) in Companies
- Entrepreneur
Facilities and Laboratories
- Multimedia Lab
- Training Lab
- Entrepreneurship Lab (PLS Cafe)
- Microteaching Lab
- Field Site Lab
- Program Library
- Podcast Room
- Honesty Canteen
- Photography Studio
- Smart Class
- Air-conditioned Classrooms
Teacher Profiles
The Non-Formal Education Program at UNNES is supported by excellent professors, doctors, and masters qualified lecturers.
- Professors: 3 lecturers.
- Doctors: 4 lecturers.
- Masters: 10 lecturers.
Collaboration Networks
Collaboration networks with domestic universities:
- Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed)
- Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)
- Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)
- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
- Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
- Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA)
- Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)
- Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang
- Universitas Siliwangi
Collaboration partners abroad:
- University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Philippine Marine Academy, Philippines
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Universitas Sabah Malaysia, Malaysia
- Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Tohoku University, Japan
- Yamagata University, Japan
- Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO
- Trnava University, Slovakia
- Aix Mersailles University, France
- Sekolah Indonesia Davao, Philippines
Government collaboration partners:
- Blora Regency Government Office
- UPTD SPNF Semarang Regency
- Kalongan Village Semarang Regency Government Office
- UPTD SPNF Semarang City
- BAPPEDA Pemalang Regency
- Pemalang Regency Education Office
- Balai Besar Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas (BBPVP) Semarang
- National Family Planning Coordination Board Central Java Province
- Provincial Library and Archives Office Central Java
Business and industry collaboration partners:
- LKP Vision College
- LKP Magistra Utama
- Graha Wisata Hotel School
- CV. Pakem
- CV. Printime
- PT Tirtamas Lestari
- UMKM Mekarsari Desa Wisata Kandri
Alumni Quotes
“During my time in the Non-Formal Education Department, Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences at UNNES, I was given the opportunity to develop myself not only in academic aspects but also socially and professionally. The invaluable experiences during my education here have shaped me into a more comprehensive educator, ready to face the challenges of the current education world. The strength of the community and the care of lecturers and staff towards students are truly priceless.” – Hendra Dedi K, PLS Batch of 2003
Contact Us
Address: A2 Building, Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences Campus
Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang City, Central Java 50229
Instagram: @pnfunnes
Youtube: Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah UNNES