Faculty of Education was established at the same time as the birth of the Institute of Teacher Education and Education (IKIP) Semarang. The existence of IKIP Semarang began with the establishment of teacher education institutions. The institutional history of UNNES began with teacher education institutions above the high school level established by the Dutch colonial government. At that time, the colonial government established the Middelbaar Onderwijzer A Cursus (MO-A) and Middelbaar Onderwijzer B Cursus (MO-B). After independence, through Government Regulation No. 41/1950, MO-A was renamed Kursus B-I and MO-B was renamed Kursus B-II, which was maintained until 1960. In the next phase, these courses were not continued and were later integrated into the existing higher education system. Through the Decree of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Teaching, and Culture No. 108487/S, dated December 27, 1960, Kursus B-I and Kursus B-II were elevated to the status of Faculty of Education (FKIP) under the parent institution of Diponegoro University (Undip) in Semarang. FKIP Undip had a branch in Surakarta, which was an integration of Kursus B-I and Kursus B-II in that city. In 1963, the Department of Physical Education, which was originally part of Kursus B-II and later part of FKIP Undip, was separated and elevated to the status of the College of Sports (STO). The establishment of STO was supported by the Minister of Sports Decree No. 23 of 1963, dated April 19, 1963, and therefore was under the coordination of the Ministry of Sports.Top of Form
Meanwhile, FKIP Undip continued to run programs under the coordination of the Department of Higher Education and Science (PTIP). In 1962, the Minister of Primary Education and Culture (PD and K) established a new institution for teacher education, namely the Teacher Education Institute (IPG) with the same functions and objectives as FKIP. This could potentially cause dualism in teacher education. To avoid this possibility, through Presidential Decree No. 1/1963 dated January 3, 1963, the merger of FKIP and IPG into the Institute of Teacher Education and Education Sciences (IKIP) was established with the status equivalent to a university in the PTIP Department. Based on this policy, through Minister of PTIP Decision No. 55 of 1963, dated May 22, 1963, IKIP was established. As a follow-up, a Joint Ministerial Decree of PTIP and PD and K No. 32 of 1964 was also issued, dated May 4, 1964, regarding the merger of FKIP and IPG in Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, and Yogyakarta into a new institution, namely IKIP.
The changes mentioned above did not immediately result in the establishment of IKIP Semarang. This is because there was an opinion that FKIP Undip and FKIP Undip Branch in Surakarta were considered unable to stand on their own. To mediate this, through Decision No. 35 of 1964, dated May 4, 1964, the Minister of PTIP determined the following:
IKIP Yogyakarta Semarang Branch experienced rapid development. To support its development, the Minister of PTIP issued Decree No. 40 of 1965, dated March 8, 1965, which established IKIP Yogyakarta Semarang Branch as IKIP Semarang. This new institution had five faculties, namely the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Literature and Arts Education, the Faculty of Social Sciences Education, the Faculty of Exact Sciences Education, and the Faculty of Engineering Education. This decision was further strengthened by Presidential Decree No. 271 of 1965, dated September 14, 1965, which established the founding of IKIP Semarang. Following this increase in status, through Decree No. 042/O/77, dated February 22, 1977, the Minister of Education and Culture returned the main physical education teacher education program to a new entity called the Faculty of Sports Education (FKIK). This development continued, and based on Presidential Decree No. 52/1982, IKIP Semarang was established to have six faculties, namely the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Language and Arts Education, the Faculty of Social Sciences Education, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, and the Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK).
At that time, the Faculty of Education (FIP) had three departments, namely: (1) Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, (2) Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, and (3) Department of Non-Formal Education.
Starting from 1995, FIP had three majors, namely the Curriculum and Educational Technology Department (Kurtekdik), the Non-Formal Education Department (PLS), and the Guidance and Counseling Department (BK). In addition, FIP also had five study programs, including Kurtekdik, PLS, BK, D2 PGSD, and D2 PGTK. In 2003, the number of study programs increased to six with the addition of the Psychology program. Beginning in 2006, D2 level programs were converted to S1 level programs. In 2015, FIP had six majors, including TP, PLS, BK, Psychology, PGSD, and PG-PAUD.