Semarang, December 16, 2024 – The Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) of Semarang State University (UNNES) held the 2024 Research and Community Service Results Seminar, showcasing 11 selected research results funded through the FIPP DPA scheme. The event occurred from 09:00 to 12:00 at the FIPP Dean’s Building and was attended by research faculty members, community service implementers, and the FIPP academic community.

The event, organized by the FIPP UNNES Research and Community Service Cluster, was officially opened by the Vice Dean for Business, Research, and Collaboration, Siti Nuzulia, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D. In her opening speech, she stated that in 2024, FIPP UNNES funded 52 research proposals. Of these, 11 were international collaborative research with various research stakeholders from countries in Asia, Australia, and the United States. The seminar aims to present research results as a form of academic accountability and evaluate the achievement of research targets, particularly for international collaboration research schemes.
“This research (international collaboration scheme) is funded at approximately Rp50 million per proposal. Today, we will see whether the funds spent align with the expected targets. This seminar presents the results and evaluates whether international collaborative research will continue in the coming year,” said Siti Nuzulia.
Moderated by Muhammad Nazil Iqdami, M.Ed., the researchers presented their findings, followed by responses from reviewers and constructive input from the audience. The review team consisted of Prof. Dr. Haryono, M.Psi., Mulawarman, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., and Liftiah, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D. Several topics presented included child-friendly classrooms from an Asia-Europe perspective, artificial intelligence ethics in higher education, culturally-based well-being literacy, early childhood education teacher leadership development, and an analysis of Indonesian and Malaysian students’ readiness for college and careers.
The seminar concluded with an interactive discussion that produced numerous recommendations for future research development. FIPP UNNES reaffirmed its commitment to continue supporting innovative and beneficial research and community service in education and psychology at national and international levels.
Author: Aftina Nurul Husna