Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) together with the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) held an Anti-Corruption Talk activity on Friday (12/07/2024). This activity was initiated as part of an effort to strengthen the commitment to fighting corruption, both in the educational environment and the wider community.
The activity, which took place at the Prof. Wuryanto Auditorium Building, UNNES, presented Alexander Marwata, Ak., S.H., M.H. (Deputy Chairperson of the KPK) and Prof. Dr. S Martono, M.Sc. (Rector of UNNES) as Keynote Speakers.
In his presentation, Prof. Martono appreciated the collaboration and cooperation between the KPK and UNNES. According to him, it is important to encourage collaboration between universities and state institutions such as the KPK in building anti-corruption awareness among academics and the younger generation.
“This is an epic collaboration and cooperation between the KPK and UNNES. We believe that this event will not only increase understanding of the dangers of corruption but also motivate students to play an active role in building integrity and transparency. UNNES continues to be committed to preventing and eradicating corruption in higher education,” said Prof. Martono.
According to the Professor of FEB UNNES, UNNES’ commitment to eradicating and preventing corruption can be seen from the existence of the rector’s regulation regarding plagiarism, the establishment of an anti-corruption study center, and the implementation of anti-corruption education courses.
“UNNES also requires all faculties, Postgraduate Schools, and units to support UNNES to become an institution with WBK and WBBM status. Currently, there are two faculties, namely the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) that have succeeded in obtaining the ZI-WBK predicate from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology,” added Prof. Martono.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Alexander Marwata, M.H. emphasized the importance of higher education becoming agents of prevention and eradication of corruption.
“There used to be allegations of corruption on one of the campuses. This happened during the New Student Admissions (PMB) period. This has become a national issue that we do not want to repeat, so it is necessary to encourage universities to become agents of corruption prevention and eradication, especially in the world of education,” explained Alex.
This time, Anti-Corruption Talk presented four expert speakers, including representatives of the KPK who shared their experiences and strategies in efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption. The discussion was interactive, allowing students and lecturers to ask questions and discuss issues related to corruption in Indonesia.
The four speakers were Prof. Dr. Abdul Kholiq, M.Ag. (Professor of UIN Walisongo Semarang), Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Diponegoro University), Dr. Anis Widyawati, S.H., M.H. (Semarang State University) and Maruli Tua, S.E., M.E., Ak., C.A. (Corruption Eradication Commission).
This Anti-Corruption Talk activity is expected to not only be a discussion forum, but also a continuation of a joint commitment to continue to play an active role in fighting corruption in all sectors of life. UNNES and the KPK are committed to continuing to collaborate on matters related to efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption in the future.