The PPK Ormawa Himpunan Mahasiswa Kimia UNNES in Pagersari Village has officially been implemented to start a series of activities that are planned to last for the next 3-4 months. On that day, an educational activity on the cultivation of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) was also carried out with the community of Pagersari Village, Semarang Regency. This activity was welcomed by the village officials and local residents.
The education on the cultivation of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) was attended by the academic community of FMIPA UNNES and several community leaders of Pagersari Village who certainly fully support the activities that will be carried out. Those present at this activity included Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M.Sc. as the dean of FMIPA UNNES, Dr. Triastuti Sulistyaningsih, M.Sc. as the supervising lecturer of PPK Ormawa Hima Kimia FMIPA UNNES, Dr. Nuni Widiarti, M.Sc. as a lecturer in the Chemistry Cluster UNNES, Siti Herlina Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the supervising lecturer of the UNNES Chemistry Student Association, Mr. Rusdiyono as the head of Pagersari Village and other village officials.
UNNES Chemistry Student Association took the topic “TOGA Conservation Village” for this year’s Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPKO), this program is expected to bring benefits to the village community through the cultivation of family medicinal plants that have many health benefits, and is expected to increase the income of the village community through the sale of processed products from TOGA.
PPK Ormawa Hima Kimia is chaired by Karimatul Husna and consists of 14 students, including, Kiki Apriliani, Lutfa Janany Harira, Salsa Aliyya Parma, Wulan Febriani, Nisrina Zahra, Cindy Maharani, Fauzan Nur Hakim, Nor Unsa Akmal, Rizky Taufik Hidayat, Siti Arwidah, ‘Aisyah Qurrotu Aini, Ibrahim Wicaksono, Akhul Muzakky Izulhaq, and Dyan Ayu Siwiningtyas.
This activity began with an opening and remarks from the village head, the chief executive and the supervising lecturer. Furthermore, remarks were delivered by the Dean of FMIPA UNNES, Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M.Si. who also inaugurated the PPK Ormawa activities in Pagersari Village. In his remarks, he expressed his gratitude to the people of Pagersari Village for being willing to accept and allow the PPKO Hima Kimia Team to carry out a series of programs in Pagersari Village. He hopes that this activity can benefit the surrounding community and can be continued by the villagers for the next few years.
After the welcoming ceremony, a brief presentation regarding the activity plan was continued by representatives of the PPKO team. The PPKO team explained the initial stages in this activity, namely planting TOGA in areas or land that had not previously been properly conserved, then maintaining plants and land, followed by harvesting plants that were ready to be harvested, then continuing to process TOGA into a product with high sales value, and the final stage is marketing through partners such as Village MSMEs or partners outside the village.
The next event was Education and Socialization of TOGA Cultivation with representatives of the Semarang Regency Agriculture Service, which on that day was represented by Mr. Khoirul Fattah A.A. from the Bergas District Agricultural Extension Agency. This event lasted approximately 1 hour and was continued with a question and answer session by the community and education participants.
The symbolic inauguration of the activity was carried out by the symbolic handover of land by the village head to the head of the PPKO Team, and continued with the symbolic handover of seeds by the PPKO Team to community leaders. The seeds that were handed over included white turmeric handed over to representatives of the Village PKK, Emprit Ginger handed over to representatives of the Farmer Group, mint leaves handed over to representatives of the Karang Taruna, lemongrass handed over to representatives of the Pagersari Village UMKM, and Telang flowers handed over to representatives of the Posbindu. After the symbolic handover of land and seeds, the session continued with the handover of souvenirs to the Village and the Agriculture Service as educational speakers. Continued with the last session, namely the closing and group photo.