UPT TIK (Information and Communication Technology Center) and the Quality Assurance Agency of Universitas Negeri Semarang held a socialization event on the latest policy and management of PDDIKTI (Higher Education Data System) reporting in UNNES for the year 2023, aimed at Prodi Managers and PDDIKTI Prodi Operators. The event, held on March 20, 2023, was presented by speakers from the Subdirectorate of Higher Education Data at the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Quality Assurance Agency, and UPT TIK.
Based on information obtained, Franova Herdiyanto, M.Kom from the Subdirectorate of Higher Education Data at the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Quality Assurance Agency of UNNES, along with UPT TIK UNNES, have conducted a socialization event on the latest management of PDDIKTI in higher education. This event aims to introduce the latest regulations and updates related to PDDIKTI and IKU management for 2023 that have been issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

In addition, the event also introduced the latest PDDIKTI reporting application owned by UNNES called MyUNNES-Feeder. This application can be accessed through the website feeder.unnes.ac.id and has more complete and accurate features in managing higher education data. It is expected that with the availability of this application, the data reporting process can become easier and more efficient.
The socialization event was attended by representatives from universities in Semarang and its surrounding areas. Franova Herdiyanto, M.Kom from the Subdirectorate of Higher Education Data at the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Quality Assurance Agency of UNNES emphasized the importance of accurate and reliable higher education data management to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.
It is hoped that with this socialization event, universities can better understand and implement the latest regulations and updates related to PDDIKTI and IKU management for 2023 correctly. In addition, with the MyFeeder application, it is hoped that the data reporting process can become more efficient and help improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.