Two lecturers from the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP), Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes), Siti Nuzulia and Anna Undarwati, conducted an academic visit to the School of Psychology at the University of Sheffield in October 2024, followed by a visit to the University of Worcester in November 2024.
During discussions held at the University of Sheffield, Siti Nuzulia and Anna Undarwati, together with academics from the School of Psychology, engaged in research discussions on the theme “Personality and Environmental Sustainability Behavior in the Indonesian Context.” They explored how personality can influence sustainable environmental behavior in Indonesia, discussing how certain personality types might encourage individuals to participate more actively in sustainability-supportive behaviors. The discussion aimed to delve into cultural differences that impact sustainability behaviors in developing countries, particularly Indonesia, and to explore relevant psychological factors.
As a result of this discussion, both parties agreed to continue their collaboration through more in-depth research and academic publications. This collaboration is expected to identify effective strategies to enhance sustainable behaviors within Indonesian society and strengthen environmental awareness.
Siti Nuzulia and Anna Undarwati also collaborated with Dr. Felix Why from the School of Psychology, University of Worcester, to implement a community service program at The Hive, a library and community center at the University of Worcester. This program focused on the theme of Nudge Behavior, with a specific topic, “Psychological Research Strategies for Healthy Dietary Choices and Behavior Change.”
The program aims to raise public awareness of the importance of choosing a healthy diet and adopting healthier lifestyle behaviors. Through psychological nudge strategies, the collaborative team designed a simple yet effective intervention approach to encourage individuals to adopt healthier eating habits.
Through this research and community service collaboration, Unnes is increasingly committed to supporting advancements in psychology that are relevant to the needs of Indonesian society. This program is also expected to serve as an initial step toward establishing broader partnerships with universities abroad, ultimately creating a more significant positive impact on the wider community, both in Indonesia and internationally.