Tuesday (13/02/2024), the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University held a simultaneous inauguration of all heads of Student Affairs Institutions and Student Activity Units.
The heads of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units read the Integrity Pact simultaneously which was then followed up by signing the Integrity Pact with the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, FH Unnes, Dr. Indah Sri Utari, S.H., M.Hum. The Integrity Pact contains a series of mutually agreed commitments, especially regarding maintaining the dignity of Student Affairs Institutions and Student Activity Units.
The Head of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units was appointed directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Unnes, Prof. Dr. Ali Mashhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H. In his speech, Prof. Ali (greeting Prof. Dr. Ali Masyhar Mursyid, S.H., M.H) emphasized that the Head of Student Affairs and Student Activity Units should be of service in developing the banner of brilliance at the Faculty of Law, Unnes.