Civilization Development Science House, Creating Academic Atmosphere and Culture. To produce superior law science with a conservation perspective and international reputation.

The Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang is committed to providing current, relevant and valid legal sources and references, one of which is through the provision of various sources of law journals.

The international conference is an annual agenda of the Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang. Every year ICILS always presents a different theme according to the current issue.

Dean's Welcome

UNNES Faculty of Law is now 15 years old. Various achievements & achievements have been obtained. Bringing great enthusiasm, FH UNNES is prestigious. UNNES Faculty of Law is able to adapt quickly to previously unforeseen conditions, and even, even in limited conditions, we are able to show creativity in many ways.

Faculty of Law by Data

Active Students

The Best Campus Life

You will study hard. You will play hard. You will make friends for life. The video will take you to every places in this faculty.

Study at the Faculty of Law

Earn your legal education degree.

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career – to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.

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Berita FH :

Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum UNNES meraih gold medal dalam Kompetisi Internasional

Buka juga berita ini dalam website :

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Berita FH :

FH UNNES bertambah 1 (satu) dosen baru yang akan mengajar di Bagian Hukum Pidana

Buka juga berita ini dalam website :

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Berita FH :

Apel luring Senin tanggal 11 September 2023 :
1. Pembina apel, Kaprodi S2
2. Pembawa acara, Sri Wulandari 
3. Pembaca Teks Pancasila,  Holy Latifah Hanum, S.Sos., M.Si
4. Pembaca Do'a, Akbarta

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Berita Prestasi :

Mahasiswa FH UNNES a.n. *Muhammad Ridwan dan Aurrelza Ekacandra H* telah berhasil menjadi Juara 1 Lomba Podcast Pekan Pendidikan LPM Motivasi UNS 2023

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Berita FH :

Dekan Fakultas Hukum UNNES dan segenap Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) melaksanakan Monev Lapangan untuk kegiatan PRIGEL/PLKH 2023

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Berita FH :

Kegiatan Penandatanganan Kerjasama antara FH Universitas Bangka Belitung dan FH UNNES

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Berita FH :

HukumOnline Legal Opinion Competition 2023 : Law, Technology, & Innovation

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Berita FH :

Dear Researchers and Academics,

With the spirits to conserve for a sustain ecosystem and society, the Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang will hold International Conference on Conservation and Sustainability (ICCONSIST) in September 2023. 

Our Conference Theme
“Disruptive Technologies and the Law: Reimagining the Use of Technologies to Achieve Conservation and Sustainability in the Future”

If you have any interesting ideas and thoughts that need to be shared on the topic, please do not hesitate to share to other colleagues through ICCONSIST 2023. 

Deadline of Abstract : 11 September 2023
Conference dates : 20-21 September 2023

More information: 
Cp: 081242278008 (Rani)
 081293198354 (Ira)
Berita FH :

Apel luring Senin tanggal 4 September 2023 :
1. Pembina apel, Kaprodi S1
2. Pembawa acara, Dina Ristanti, A.Md
3. Pembaca Teks Pancasila,  Amir Mustofa
4. Pembaca Do'a, Eko Mukminto, S.H.,M.H

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