Belajar Penanganan COVID-19 di Saudi Arabia, Jurusan IKM Undang Dosen Tamu dari University of Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Universitas Negeri Semarang > Faculty of Medicine > Berita > Belajar Penanganan COVID-19 di Saudi Arabia, Jurusan IKM Undang Dosen Tamu dari University of Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Semarang (25/11) Jurusan IKM dan FIK UNNES kembali menggelar Virtual Lecture seri ke-4 sebagai bentuk implementasi program MBKM. Dengan tema “Lesson Learned of COVID-19 Prevention and Control in KSA”, hadir sebagai dosen tamu adalah Prof. Suleman Atique, Ph.D. dari Department of Health Informatics, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dilaksanakan secara daring, kuliah tamu ini dihadiri oleh 215 mahasiswa dari Prodi Kesmas.

Prof. Suleman menyampaikan pengalaman penanganan dan pencegahan COVID-19 di Saudi Arabia. Dosen pendamping dalam kuliah tamu ini adalah Lukman Fauzi, M.P.H. Pemerintah Saudi Arabia menggunakan berbagai teknologi informasi untuk melakukan surveilans COVID-19. Dalam hal tracing kepada pasien COVID-19, Saudi menggunakan aplikasi bernama Taqasi. “The Patient Tracing Unit (Taqasi) platform was implemented in March 2020 for the COVID-19 pandemic. Its purpose is to enhance and manage contact tracing around the Kingdom based on the laboratory results generated from the HESN (Health Electronic Surveillance Network)” papar Prof. Suleman.

Bahkan Pemerintah Saudi Arabia menggunakan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk memonitoring populasi berisiko (contact tracing). Dalam paparannya Prof. Suleman menyampaikan “Contact tracing has been termed as an essential epidemiologic tool for containing the COVID-19 outbreak and enforcing future plans for lifting lockdown safely. To achieve this, the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) released two smartphone apps. The first is Tawakkalna, a GPS-enabled app to monitor and restrict individuals’ movement during curfew hours with the capacity to issue permits for exceptions. The second app, Tabaud, whose name means “Distancing”, sends de-identified data to people who came in close contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19. The app follows the international Google and Apple guidelines on data privacy“.

Kontributor: Lukman Fauzi

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