Seminar dan Open Forum UNIKA 2019

Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > Seminar dan Open Forum UNIKA 2019

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unika Soegijapranata Semarang bekerja sama dengan School of Economics and Business University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philipines akan menyelenggarakan seminar dan open forum dengan judul “Enhancing Competencies of Business Educators in Instruction, Research, and Industry Linkage in Social Entrepreneurship”. Kegiatan ini direncanakan pada :

Hari/Tanggal    : Selasa/ 12 Maret 2019

Tempat             : Hotel Noormans Semarang (Jl. Teuku Umar No.27, Jatingaleh, Semarang)

Topik                 :

  1. Business School and Social Entrepreneurship
  2. Business School and Enviromental Challege
  3. Open Forum on Business School and Social Enviromental Challege

Biaya Pendafataran : Rp 250.000 (CP Kartin 0878322963621/[email protected])

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