Universitas Negeri Semarang > FEB UNNES > 4th ANNUAL UNY ENGLISH COMPETITION (UNESHCO) 2019

UNESHCO (UNY English Competition) is a National English competition for university students held annually by UKM SAFEL (Student Activity Forum of Foreign Languages), Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This competition is one of the Agendas in commemorating Dies Natalis UNY which consists of Speech and Micro-Teaching competitions.This event has been organized three times since 2016 and The fourth is going to be held on 26th-27th April, 2019 in UNY. This year UNESHCO Brings the theme “Build your confidence, start to act and change the world”. By this theme, it is expected that the participants will speak more confident as one of their requirements to change the world. UNESHCO it self is aimed to increase confidence, creativity ,and critical thinking of the participants to face the current and future problems.

General Rules

  1. The participants are university students (S1/D4) in Indonesia.
  2. The participants must be 18-25 years old.
  3. Each university is allowed to send maximum three participants for Microteaching and five participants for Speech.
  4. The participants who have won UNESHCO in 2017 and 2018 are not allowed to register themselves in UNESHCO 2019.
  5. The participants should dress appropriately.
  6. The participants must attend the Opening Ceremony of UNESHCO and UNYFEST on Friday, 26th April, 2019.
  7. The Participant must attend the Closing Ceremony UNYFEST and The Winner Announcement on Saturday, 27th April, 2019.
  8. The participants are highly suggested to come at least 30 minutes before the Opening Ceremony and must re-register themselves at the registration desk before the Opening Ceremony starts.
  9. All the participants must arrive at the hall room at least 15 minutes before the competition starts.
  10. All the participants will be called 3 times when their turn comes before they are considered as walk-out.
  11. Any properties categorized as sharp tools, dangerous weapons, chemicals and animals are prohibited during the competition.
  12. The committee only provides LCD projector, screen, and electricity. Additional teaching aids are participants’ responsibility as well as for speech.
  13. The participants are suggested to bring their own stationery to support the necessary things.
  14. For micro-teaching competition, additional teaching materials such as PowerPoint, video, etc. can be sent to the committee two days before the Please email the materials to [email protected] by using format Name_Institute_MT_(additional materials).
  15. This competition is held in Yogyakarta State University (UNY). Therefore, any accommodation expenses are not the committee’s responsibility.
  16. All judges decisions and results inside the result assessment are considered as final.
  17. Any cancellation is accepted during the period of registration. The registration fee would be given 50% refunded.

Performance Time

  1. The timing will begin with the first word uttered by the participant which will include any other communication such as sound effects, staged acts, etc.
  2. The maximum time varies in each round. A time extension for 15 seconds is allowed. Exceeding this extension will result in losing one point of the overall assessment score.
  3. The timekeeper provides warning signals to the participants to inform the remaining time.
  4. The committee will give a sign to the participant to stop his/her performance under the case of exceeding the maximum overtime.

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