February 18, 2020


Yogyakarta (18-20 / 02) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang (FE UNNES) held the Consolidation of Work Program 2020. The activity was directly opened by the Dean of FE UNNES, Drs. Heriyanto, MBA, Ph.D. Moreover, at the same time, the Rector’s direction is represented by the Vice-Rector for Administration and Finance, Dr. S. Martono, M.Si....
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Yogyakarta (18-20 / 02) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang (FE UNNES) held the Consolidation of Work Program 2020. The activity was directly opened by the Dean of FE UNNES, Drs. Heriyanto, MBA, Ph.D. Moreover, at the same time, the Rector’s direction is represented by the Vice-Rector for Administration and Finance, Dr. S. Martono, M.Si....
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Yogyakarta (18-20 / 02) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang (FE UNNES) held the Consolidation of Work Program 2020. The activity was directly opened by the Dean of FE UNNES, Drs. Heriyanto, MBA, Ph.D. Moreover, at the same time, the Rector’s direction is represented by the Vice-Rector for Administration and Finance, Dr. S. Martono, M.Si....
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