Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang mengadakan Focus Group Discussion di Aula C401 Pascasarjana pada Sabtu (14/03). Kegiatan dihadiri oleh Rektor, Wakil Rektor, Dekan, Plt Direktur Pascasarjana, Wakil Direktur Pascasarjana, Dosen, dan Mahasiswa Pascasarjana UNNES. Kegiatan dengan tema Paradigma Keilmuwan Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Humaniora menghadirkan Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, M.A., M.Phil sebagai pemateri. Guru Besar Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada tersebut memaparkan Paradigma dan Epistemologi Ilmu Sosial-Budaya.
Kegiatan dibuka oleh Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum selaku Rektor Universitas Negeri Semarang. Dalam sambutan, beliau menyampaikan, “perlu adanya tambahan wawasan di kalangan pimpinan agar pembaruan pengetahuan dapat masuk.” Kegiatan tersebut diadakan, mengingat perlunya penambahan wawasan dan penguatan keilmuwan di kalangan civitas akademik UNNES, khususnya Pascasarjana.
Kegiatan diskusi dimoderatori oleh Prof. Dr. Ida Zulaeha, M.Hum. Diperoleh beberapa simpulan dari diskusi tersebut berkaitan dengan paradigma keilmuwan. Dalam penelitian pendidikan, sosial, dan humaniora, sumber data yang sama dapat digunakan dalam beberapa penelitian, dengan perspektif yang berbeda. Dengan perspektif dan kerangka berpikir yang berbeda, akan diperoleh hasil penelitian yang berbeda pula.
Diharapkan dari kegiatan tersebut, atmosfer akademik di lingkungan Pascasarjana UNNES semakin terus terbangun.
“Kecintaan terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dimulai dari kecintaan kepada guru.
Kecintaan kepada guru memberi berkah ilmu
Mendoakan dan membimbing pada jalan keilmuwan”
Prof. Dr. Ida Zulaeha, M.Hum – Wakil Direktur I Pascasarjana UNNES
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Postgraduate had held Focus Group Discussion in the C401 Postgraduate Hall on Saturday (3/14). This activity was attended by Rector, Vices Rector, Deans, Ad Interim Director, Vices Director, lecturers, and students of UNNES Postgraduate. The activity with a theme of Educational, Social and Humanities Scientific Paradigm, presented Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra M.A., M.Phil as the speaker. The Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, explained the Paradigm and Epistemology of Socio-Cultural Sciences.
The activity was opened by Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum as Rector of Universitas Negeri Semarang. In his speech, he said, “there is a need to be additional insight of the leaders so that the renewal of knowledge can be accepted.” The activity was held, due to a need for a renewal insight and strengthening of science in the UNNES academic society, specifically the Postgraduate program.
The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ida Zulaeha, M, Hum. There are some obtained conclusions from this discussion with the scientific paradigm. In educational, social, and humanities research, the same data source can be used in several studies, with different perspectives. By using different perspectives and thoughts, different research results will be obtained.
It is expected that from these activities, the academic atmosphere in the UNNES Postgraduate society can be built up continuously.
“Love for science starts with loving for teachers.
The love of teachers gives blessings of knowledge
Pray and guide the path of science”
Ida Zulaeha, M.Hum – Vice Director I of UNNES Postgraduate