Diberitahukan kepada mahasiswa penerima Hibah Tesis dan Disertasi, dana hibah tesis dan disertasi tahap 1 sudah dapat diambil di Subbag. Keuangan Ruang A.26 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang Bendan Ngisor Semarang dilayani pada jam kerja dengan syarat :
- Bagi mahasiswa yang telah lulus, di wajibkan mengumpulkan laporan akhir (4 eksemplar terjilid warna hitam), Artikel yang telah di acc oleh evaluator (2 Eks terjilid warna hitam) dan CD Sofkopy 2 Buah , dikumpulkan di Sdri Awalya.
- Mengumpulkan copy rekening untuk pencairan tahap 2 ke Subbag. Keuangan Ruang A.26 Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang Bendan Ngisor Semarang . Dana Hibah Tesis dan Disertasi Tahap 2 akan ditransfer melalui rekening yang sudah dikumpulkan.
Batas akhir pengambilan dana Hibah Tesis dan Disertasi tahap 1 dan pengumpulan rekening dilayani paling akhir tanggal 2 November 2012.
Atas Perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.
Notified to the students who are granted Thesis and Dissetation Grant, the phase I fund can be taken at Financial Administrator in Room A.26 Post Graduate Program of Unnes Bendan Ngisor Semarang at office hour with the requisites as follows:
- For the students who have been graduated are supposed to submit their final project (4 copies bound in black cover), articles which have been accepted by the evaluator (2 copies bound in black cover) and 2 copies of CD soft coppies, submited to Ms. Awalya.
- Submit the copy of account book for the phase II of the disbursement at Financial Administrator in Room A.26 Post Graduate Program of Unnes Bendan Ngisor Semarang. The phase II of funds Thesis and Dissertation will be transfered to the account which has been submitted.
The deadline for the withdrawal of funds Thesis and Dissertation phase I and the collection of accounts will be serviced at the end of the 2nd November 2012.
Thanks in advance.