Kamis Legi, 30 Agustus ,Sepuluh tahun lebih kebijakan otonomi daerah bidang pendidikan dilaksanakan, ternyata masih banyak masalah- masalah yang bersifat konseptual dan factual. Namun demikian ,harus diakui bahwa otonomi daerah yang telah cukup lama berlangsung disamping ada dampak negative , ada juga dampak positifnya. Demikian disampaikan Muhdi di depan sidang ujian promosi doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Unnes, dengan promotor Prof. Dr. DYP. Sugiharto, M.Pd. Kons. Kopromotor Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M.Pd., anggota promotor Prof. Dr. Sugiyo, M.Si., Penguji Luar Prof. Dr. Slameto, M.Pd., dan Penguji Dalam Prof. Dr. Maman Rachman, M.Sc.
Penelitian dengan judul “ Pengembangan Model Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan Kota Semarang Pada Era otonomi Daerah” bertujuan (1) memperoleh gambaran tentang model factual implementasi kebijakan pendidikan kota Semarang pada era otonomi daerah. (2) Mendapatkan desain model implementasi kebijakan pendidikan kota Semarang pada era otonomi daerah (3) mendapat model implementasi kebijakan pendidikan, ungkap sekretaris PGRI Jawa Tengah.
Putra Bapak H. Ridwan (alm) dan Ibu Saimah (alm) berhasil mempertahankan disertasi dan dinyatakan lulus sebagai Doktor ke 112 lulusan Unnes dan doktor ke 83 lulusan prodi Manajemen Kependidikan Unnes dengan predikat Sangat Memuaskan.More than ten years the decentralization of education policies was implemented. However, there are still many issues that conceptually and factually happened. Thus, it must be recognized that local autonomy had long enough been lasted. Besides having a negative impact, there is also a positive impact, conveyed by Muhdi in the exam of doctoral promotion of postgraduate program of Unnes majority in Education Management Doctoral Program, which was examined by:
- Promoter: Prof. Dr. DYP. Sugiharto, M.Pd. Kons.
- Vice promoter: Prof. Dr. Joko Widodo, M.Pd.,
- Member of promoter: Prof. Dr. Sugiyo, M.Sc.,
- Foreign Examiners: Prof. Dr. Slameto, M.Pd., and
- Examiner: Prof. Dr. Maman Rachman, M.Sc.
Research entitled “Development of Education Policy Implementation Models In Era of Semarang regional autonomy” aims are as follows:
- Obtaining factual description of a model of educational policy implementation Semarang regional autonomy era.
- Getting a design model of educational policy implementation Semarang on regional autonomy
- Obtaining the implementation model of education policy,
Son of Mr. H. Ridwan and Mrs. Sai’ma was successfully defended his dissertation and passed as 112th of Doctor who had been graduated from doctoral program of PPs Unnes and the 83th graduates from Education Management Doctoral Program with Very Satisfactory honors from Unnes.