Kamis Pon, 2 Agustus 2012. Dosen Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sri Rejeki Urip berhasil meraih gelar doktor di Universitas Negeri Semarang melalui disertasi “Developing a guideline for writing a French textbook integrating school based curriculum and ‘The common European framework of reference for languages’ for senior high school students”. Di depan tim penguji yang terdiri dari ketua promotor: Prof.Dr. Astini Su’udi , Ko. Promotor Prof. Mursid Saleh, M.A. Ph.D dan anggota promotor Prof.Dr.Joko NurKamto, M.Pd, diutarakan banyak para guru belum mempunyai keberanian untuk menulis sendiri buku teksnya, padahal secara teoritis banyak kelebihan yang diperoleh apabila guru bisa membuat buku teksnya sendiri, . Lebih lanjut dikatakan untuk mendorong para guru menulis , maka dibuatlah buku panduan. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kemampuan bahasa Prancis siswa, diperlukan buku teks yang berstandar Internasional.Oleh karena itu dibuatlah buku panduan untuk mengembangkanbuku teks bahasa Preancis yang mengintergrasikan KTSP dan theThe common European framework of reference for languages ( CEFRL).
Tepat menjelang berbuka puasa , Sri Rejeki Urip kelahiran Semarang , 21 Februari 1962 dinyatakan lulus dengan predikat Sangat memuaskan sebagai doktor ke 111 Program Pascasarjana dan ke 11 prodi Bahasa dengan waktu studi 3 tahun 11 bulan.The lecturer of the Languages and Arts Faculty of Semarang State University, Sri Rejeki Urip earned a doctorate from Semarang State University via dissertation entitled “Developing a guideline for writing a French textbook integrating school-based curriculum and The common European framework of reference for languages’ for senior high school students “. In front of the test team consisting of chief promoter: Prof. Astini Su’udi, Co. Promoter Prof. Shaikh Saleh, M.A. Ph.D and members of promoter Prof. Dr. Joko Nur Kamto, M Ed, shown that a lot of teachers do not have the courage to write their own textbooks, but many theoretical advantages gained when teachers can create their own text books. Moreover, to encourage teachers to write, guidebooks is the answer. In addition to improve the quality and students’ French skills, required international textbooks. It has been standardized since it was established s\a guidebook to improve France text book that are integrated text and the SBC common European framework of reference for languages (CEFRL).
Just before break fasting, Sri Rejeki Urip who was born in Semarang, February 21, 1962 passed the test satisfactory as the 111st doctorate of Postgraduate Program of Language Education by the time of study 3 years and 11 months.