Students from UNNES GIAT 3 in Jumo District, Temanggung Regency, successfully held an EXPO-themed “Cultural Showcase GIAT Jumo: A Concrete Collaboration to Create Works and Develop Villages” on Sunday, December 4. The event took place in the courtyard of the Jumo District Office. It was attended by various officials, including the Head of the Jumo District, the Head of the KKN Center, the Local Police Chief, the Military District Commander, representatives from the Department of Communication and Information, village heads from Jumo District, the Chairperson of the Jumo District PKK, and residents.
The GIAT 3 program covered 13 villages in Jumo District, including Jumo, Gununggempol, Padureso, Kertosari, Ketitang, Jamusan, Jombor, Barang, Karangtejo, Morobongo, Sukomarto, Giyono, and Gedongsari, all of which boast rich cultural heritage and unique village products. The GIAT 3 EXPO featured performances of traditional horse dancing (kuda lumping) and dayakan, presented by the elementary school children of Gedongsari. Additionally, residents enthusiastically participated in competitions, including the gapyak contest and tug-of-war among the PKK women from the villages in Jumo District.
Furthermore, 24 products from village MSMEs were showcased at the event, consisting of food, beverages, handicrafts, leather shoes, and sandals that captivated visitors’ attention. GIAT students also supported these products in terms of packaging, labeling, digital marketing, and applying for a Business Identification Number (NIB).
Edi Kurniawan, SPd, MPd, the Head of the KKN Center at UNNES, praised the students’ efforts during the program in the villages and their collaboration with the district authorities.
“It is time for students to contribute by transferring knowledge to the community to provide solutions to existing problems. Through this GIAT program, students are also expected to adapt and sharpen their empathy within the community’s social fabric,” he explained.
In her remarks, the Jumo District Head, Tri Hestiningsih, SSos, MM, noted that GIAT students had mapped village potential, expressing hope that the partnership between UNNES and Jumo District would continue in the following years.
“The KKN activities should not end with mapping the potentials of the 13 villages in Jumo District; rather, sustained collaboration is needed to realize many more activities,” she clarified.
The students’ output from GIAT, including a village profile book and a mapping of village and district potentials, was officially launched and presented directly by the student coordinator, Fuad Huda.