In order to support the achievement of accreditation in all study programs within FIPP, the Faculty GPM conducted benchmarking to FIP UPI (Friday, 26-7-2024). The benchmarking team consisted of 3 people, namely Andarini Permata Cahyaningtyas, M.Pd. as the representative of GPM FIPP Unnes as well as Sugiariyanti, S.Psi., M.A., and Pundani Eki Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi. as the representatives of S1 Psychology Unnes which will propose ACQUIN international accreditation in 2025. The event was accompanied by the Head of the Bachelor of Psychology Program, Dr. Sri Maslihah, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psychologist, Mr. Helli Ihsan, S.Ag, M.Si. as the Chair of the ACQUIN SAR Preparation Task Force Team, Ms. Gemala Nurendah, S.Pd., M.A. as a member of the Task Force team along with several other lecturers.

The FGD was held in the Chairperson’s Room of the Psychology Study Program, 8th floor FIP Building. The things discussed were related to improving the quality of the curriculum and achieving international accreditation of The Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN) which had been carried out by UPI in 2023. UPI conveyed things that need to be prepared at the study program, faculty, and university levels a year before applying for ACQUIN international accreditation.
“I believe Unnes will be better prepared to apply for ACQUIN, of course, with the support from all parties, especially from the team leader who will head all study programs that jointly apply for international accreditation in the same cluster, as well as the GPM team that accompanies,” said Mr. Helli Ihsan, M.Si. It is hoped that, as a result of this visit, the Unnes Psychology study program will be able to prepare more carefully and get the expected results. This will certainly be very beneficial for the progress of the study program, FIPP, and Unnes in the future.