This morning’s event featured the extraordinary speaker Mrs. Iman Andrea Reiman, the director of Regenbogen-Kidz Kindergarten. The event took place on August 8, 2024, on the 3rd floor of the FEP dean’s office, attended by invited guests and The Early Childhood Education students.

Before the event began, Prof. Dr. Edy Purwanto, M.Si, the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Universitas Negeri Semarang, was present. Mr. Edy Purwanto gave a speech, stating, “In this event, we can share best practices, how to provide educational experiences that also ensure the well-being of children, thereby building capacity for students of the Faculty of Education and Psychology at UNNES, especially in The Early Childhood Education undergraduate and master’s programs. I think this is a great opportunity to enhance knowledge on how to deliver education, as we are directly learning from the best practices in Germany.” The event was moderated by Mr. Ali Formen, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., who translated Mrs. Iman’s presentation for the audience.
Mrs. Iman, an experienced educator and now the director of an Islamic kindergarten in Germany, Regenbogen-Kidz, is increasingly recognized for her commitment to inclusive and multicultural education. Amidst the high cultural diversity and challenges in Germany, Mrs. Iman has successfully created a warm learning environment that appreciates differences.

The kindergarten led by Mrs. Iman is located in Berlin, a city rich in ethnic and religious diversity. The school not only serves the Muslim community but is also open to children from various backgrounds. Combining Islamic values with modern educational principles, Mrs. Iman strives to instill values of tolerance, honesty, and respect from an early age. The school has introduced various programs that support the holistic development of children, including creative activities, sports, and foreign language teaching. Mrs. Iman also emphasizes the balance between academic aspects and the character development of children.
Besides her role as a director, Mrs. Iman is actively involved in the local community and is often invited as a speaker at various educational and religious forums. She is known as a strong advocate for interfaith dialogue and continuously seeks ways to build bridges between different communities. Despite the challenges, especially regarding public perceptions of Islamic education in Europe, Mrs. Iman remains optimistic. “We all have the responsibility to educate children in the best way possible, regardless of their religious or cultural background,” she added. With her vision and dedication, Mrs. Iman is not only an inspiration for the Muslim community in Germany but also for educators and parents across the country.