Semarang, FIPP-UNNES. The Faculty of Education and Psychology at Universitas Negeri Semarang hosted the Pre Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP JIP) Meeting of Deans and Vice Deans of State LPTK FIP throughout Indonesia. The event took place at the Ciputra Hotel Semarang from May 23-25, 2024, and was attended by Deans and Vice Deans from 12 State Institutes for Education and Teacher Training (LPTK) across Indonesia (UNP, UNIMED, UNJ, UPI, UNY, UM, UNESA, UNDIKSHA, UNM, UNG, UNIMA, and UNNES). The event was opened by the Secretary of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Prof. Dr. Sugiyanto, M.Si. In his speech, he emphasized the need for solutions and innovations on educational issues such as curriculum certainty and the use of technology in education. Additionally, the quality of higher education, seen through the achievement of IKU 2 in MBKM activities where students engage in 20 credits outside their study program, requires the role and contribution of FIP JIP in the dynamics of education in Indonesia.

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP JIP) Meeting was first held at the end of the New Order era, in early 1997 at FIP IKIP Jakarta (UNJ) (, accessed on 05/23/2024). Subsequently, the FIP-JIP Forum has been held biennially at different locations. The FIP-JIP activities serve as a scientific forum specifically discussing current educational issues in Indonesia. Reflecting on the 2023 FIP-JIP International Seminar and Meeting, it contributed ideas through dialogues among education experts from Asia, Australia, and America.
It is hoped that this Pre FIP JIP meeting will contribute to the practice of educational development in Indonesia, which is currently facing the phenomenon of learning loss post-COVID-19, both in terms of curriculum development and the development of technology in education. Thus, the demographic bonus currently in Indonesia can be maximized to achieve Golden Indonesia 2045.