FIPP UNNES (4/2/2024) – The Faculty of Education and Psychology Universitas Negeri Semarang, has conducted a study to commemorate the Revelation of the Qur’an in 1445 H. This study was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Edy Purwanto, M.Si., (Dean of FIPP UNNES) and attended by the leaders, lecturers, and students of FIPP UNNES. The study featured a distinguished speaker, Dr. H. Mohammad Arja Imroni, M.Ag., who is a lecturer at UIN Walisongo Semarang. The essence of the study focused on the glory of the Qur’an for academics with the theme “Inspirations from the Qur’an for the Excellence of FIPP UNNES”.
Prof. Dr. Edy Purwanto, M.Si., stated in his opening remarks that this study was conducted as an effort to enhance the spirituality of the Academic Community to bring blessings to academic activities carried out within the FIPP UNNES environment. The Qur’an, he emphasized, possesses magical and extraordinary spiritual power. It is not merely a collection of words but a source of spiritual energy capable of profoundly influencing human life.

Dr. H. Mohammad Arja Imroni, M.Ag., in his lecture, conveyed that the Qur’an, when recited never becomes boring; on the contrary the more it is read, the more calming it becomes. The Qur’an is a sacred scripture with limitless allure, capable of captivating the hearts and minds of its readers with the beauty of its profound verses. Each time it is read, the Qur’an provides new depths of meaning and wisdom that strengthen faith and inner peace.
There are three groups of Qur’an enthusiasts. First, the Uncritical Lovers, who love the Qur’an without deeply criticizing its sacred texts. They treat the Qur’an with respect but do not always maximize its presence by engaging in critical analysis. The second group is known as the Scholarly Lovers, who express their love for the Qur’an through scientific and academic approaches relevant to their respective fields of study. They strive to align their understanding of the Qur’an with the disciplines they study. Lastly, there are the Critical Lovers, a group that loves the Qur’an critically. They not only respect and love the sacred text but also engage in critical analysis, exploring the deep meanings and philosophical and social implications of each verse and concept contained within it.
May the FIPP UNNES campus be blessed by Allah SWT for honoring the commemoration of the Revelation of the Qur’an during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Moreover, it is hoped that the Academic Community of FIPP UNNES will increasingly love the Qur’an and apply it as a source of learning and implement knowledge within the framework of the University’s Tri Dharma.