Semarang (3/26/2024) – The Education Testing and Management Agency (BPPP) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) released the results of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) on Tuesday (03/26/2024). SNBP is one of the pathways in the 2024 National New Student Admission Selection (SNPMB) organized by BPPP Kemendikbudristek. According to the SNBP 2024 press conference, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) has successfully become the 6th national favorite State University (PTN) with 27,759 applicants. This achievement reaffirms UNNES’s existence as an educational institution consistent in providing real contributions to the progress of education in Indonesia.
In response to these results, UNNES Rector, Prof. Dr. S Martono, M.Si., expressed gratitude and pride. “We are grateful for this achievement. This is the result of the hard work and dedication of all academic communities of UNNES in maintaining the quality and relevance of higher education in Indonesia,” said Prof. Martono. UNNES’s achievement as the 6th favorite PTN also serves as motivation for all UNNES academic communities to continuously improve the quality and service of education. UNNES is committed to remaining at the forefront in producing quality and competitive graduates, both nationally and internationally.

UNNES Public Relations Head, Rahmat Petuguran, stated that UNNES has opened three pathways for New Student Admissions (PMB) in 2024. “In addition to SNBP announced today, UNNES also accepts new students from the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) pathway and the Independent Selection (SM) UNNES,” he said. According to the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) lecturer, SNBT registration has been open since March 21, 2024, and will close on April 5, 2024. Unlike SNBP which uses report card scores, SNBT is a new student admission selection pathway that employs computer-based tests. This pathway can be participated in by 12th-grade students from high schools/vocational schools or equivalent or students who graduated two years earlier, in 2022 and 2023.
In 2024, UNNES will accept 11,300 new students in 74 D3/S1 study programs across nine faculties. A total of 2,390 or 21 percent of the total quota has been filled through the SNBP pathway. Through the SNBT pathway, UNNES offers a quota of 3,522 or approximately 31 percent. Meanwhile, 48 percent or around 5,388 will be accepted through the UNNES Independent Selection pathway. As one of the leading universities, UNNES offers quality education. This is evidenced by the attainment of excellent institutional accreditation, the majority of study programs being accredited as excellent and A, as well as international accreditation for several study programs.