Friday, February 9th, 2024. Lecturers from the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Universitas Negeri Semarang (FIPP UNNES), served as guest lecturers at Kasetsart University Thailand. This guest lecturer activity was part of an international research collaboration event on the topic of “Career Maturity,” with research subjects from students of FIPP UNNES and the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences (FEDS) at Kasetsart University Thailand. The research was led by Zakki Nurul Amin, M.Pd., (Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Program in Guidance and Counseling) along with Farid Ahmadi, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D., (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of FIPP UNNES) as guest lecturers. The event was attended by the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, lecturers, and 100 student participants from FEDS Kasetsart University. It took place in the FEDS Hall at Kasetsart University in Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand.

The participants of this event showed great enthusiasm in engaging with the activities. It was evident that the students actively participated, expressing their happiness and the usefulness of the event for them. The participating students ranged from first-year to fourth-year students from the English Education and Science Education programs. In addition to the guest lectures, the UNNES research team also conducted direct observations by visiting laboratories around the campus, observing the students’ learning activities. An interesting discovery was made; every Friday afternoon, the students engaged in various activities according to their interests and talents, such as sports, arts, music, and language.

The event continued with focused discussions as part of ongoing collaboration efforts between the two institutions, involving Dr. Tussane Juntiya (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Students) and resulting in the continuation of the research collaboration program with lecturers from Kasetsart University, Dr. Kulthida Nugultham. Besides the agreements mentioned above, joint publications will also be produced with one of their lecturers, and a “Credit Transfer” activity between the two faculties is planned for 2025.