Semarang State University (UNNES) accepts international students through the Developing Countries Partnership (KNB) program. UNNES received 4 students who won the 2021 KNB scholarships from East Leste, Kyrgzstan, Uganda, and Thailand.
The student was warmly welcomed by the Chancellor of UNNES Prof Dr Fathur Rokhman MHum accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof Dr Zaenuri SE MSi Akt, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Dr Sugianto MSi and Director of Postgraduate UNNES Prof Agus Nuryatin MHum.
The Chancellor of UNNES Prof Fathur conveyed that UNNES welcomes the students who won the KNB scholarship.
“Today, UNNES accepts new students from abroad, namely East Leste, Kyrgzstan, Uganda, and Thailand. They will take Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies at UNNES. They won the Developing Countries Partnership scholarship. We are welcoming them in UNNES Campus, the House of Civilization Developer Science,” he said.
Prof. Fathur added, UNNES is believed to be one of the 23 best State Universities in Indonesia as a destination for foreign students to study via international scholarships.
“Our friends here are students who were selected from partner countries of Indonesia that get scholarships from the Developing Partnership Scholarship Program. And they chose to study at UNNES for a reason. Their choice is not wrong because UNNES is one of the best colleges in Indonesia with an international reputation,” he said.
Rokayah Luebaesa, a KNB student from Thailand, admitted that she was interested in learning Indonesian. She will be taking 2-3 months of study in the Language Education (S3) study program.